Can I get a refund for my Gift Card?
Unfortunately, Gift Cards are non-refundable according to our Terms and Conditions.
How can I pay for a Gift Card?
You can pay with credit card or Miles & More miles.
Will I receive confirmation after placing an order?
Yes, you'll receive separate emails confirming your order and payment. The recipient will receive a beautiful email with the Gift Card design, voucher ID, and redemption instructions for flights. The email will also include a link to the Gift Card Terms and Conditions.
How can I check my Gift Card order status?
You'll receive a confirmation email with a link to check your order status on our website:
How can I check my Gift Card balance?
You can check your balance anytime on our customer portal:
Can I recharge my Gift Card?
No, Gift Cards cannot be recharged, but you can always buy a new one!
Can I use my Gift Card partially?
This depends on the Gift Card's Terms and Conditions, which are included in the recipient's email. Some cards can be used only once, while others allow multiple redemptions until the balance is zero. If the purchase is more expensive than the Gift Card value, the remaining balance must be paid by another method. Unused portions are not refunded or credited.
What is the validity period of my Gift Card?
The validity period is included in the recipient's email and starts from the Gift Card's receipt date.
Can I purchase a Gift Card at a travel agency?
Currently, Gift Cards can only be purchased online or at the Luxair Travel Agency at Lux-Airport or Munsbach.
Can I redeem my Gift Card at a travel agency?
Not yet, but you can redeem them on our websites: and
Can I use my Gift Card on a package holiday?
Yes, you can redeem your Gift Card on LuxairTours package holidays.